Our Mission

The mission of the association shall be the promotion of Bengali culture and literature in the United States and to promote friendship and cultural exchange with other organizations and groups, American and foreign, in the United States. The association will be a meeting ground of Bengalees and their friends in Northeastern Ohio and will provide opportunity for the families and friends of Bengalees in Northeastern Ohio to learn Bengali language, culture, and traditions. The association shall be a non-profit organization and will exist as an incorporated association of its members. The association shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. The name of the association or the name of any member in office shall not be used in any partisan interest if not related to the objectives of the association.
এই সংস্থা যে পথ অনুসরণ করে চলবে, তার লক্ষ্য হবে বাঙালি সংস্কৃতি ও বাংলা সাহিত্য যাতে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পরিচিতি ও সেইসঙ্গে আরো উৎকর্ষতা লাভ করে, তার জন্যে সচেষ্ট হওয়া; তাছাড়া সংস্থা তৎপর হবে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে, মার্কিনি তথা অ-মার্কিনি সংস্থাগুলির সঙ্গে উত্তরোত্তর দৃঢ়তর মৈত্রী সম্পর্কে আবদ্ধ হয়ে তাদের সঙ্গে সংস্কৃতিক যোগাযোগ রক্ষা করে চলতে। সংস্থা চায় উত্তরপূর্ব ওহাইও অঞ্চলে বসবাসকারী বঙ্গভাষাভাষীদের ও তাদের বন্ধুবান্ধবদের মিলনকেন্দ্র হয়ে উঠতে; সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করতে, যাতে এই অঞ্চলের বঙ্গভাষাভাষীরা সপরিবারে ও সবান্ধবে বাংলা ভাষা চর্চা করতে পারেন, বাঙালি সংস্কৃতি ও তার ঐতিহাসিক ধারাটির সঙ্গে পরিচিত হতে পারেন। সংস্থা তার কোনো কাজেই মুনাফা অন্বেষণ না করে সদস্যদের মিলন-সংঘ রূপে বিরাজ করবে। সংস্থা কখনো কোনো প্রকার ব্যবসায় লিপ্ত হবে না, কোনো বিশেষ সম্প্রদায় বা দলের অনুগত হবেন না। সংস্থার অনুসৃত পথের বিরোধী কোনও প্রকার দলগত স্বার্থে সংস্থা অথবা তার কর্মনির্বাহী সদস্যের নাম ব্যবহার করা চলবে না।

Holiday Party
- November 29, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
After a blessed year of many joyous gatherings in your presence, finally 'tis the season to brave the snow and rock the final party of the year.
Bengali Cultural Society of Cleveland, OH cordially invites you and your family to the BCS Annual Holiday Party. There will be activities galore, and also a DJ on the dance floor! Come dance your cares away as we bid goodbye to the year.
Parents, please do bring a wrapped gift for each of your kids, labeled with the child's name. It will be loads of fun for them to receive their gifts, straight from Santa.
Date: 15th December, 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 6:00 PM
Venue: Cleveland Heights Church, 12412 Cedar Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

Bijoya Sammilani
- November 5, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
The Bengali Cultural Society of Cleveland cordially invites you to the BCS Bijoya Sammilani 2018 on 11th November, Sunday.
This year, the theater luminaries of our community will present not one, but two theater productions for your enjoyment: Pashupati Opera written by Bimal Bandyopadhyay and Parashmani written by Shyamakanta Das.
Date: 11th November, 2018, Sunday
Venue: Solon Center for the Arts, 6315 SOM Center Road, Solon, OH 44139

Lakshmi Puja
- October 22, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
After celebrating the festivities of Durga Puja, Bengali Cultural Society cordially invites you to celebrate Lakshmi Puja on October 27, 2018, Saturday at Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, 1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134.
Debangana Sarker will present Rabindrasangeet and other Bengali songs at 7.30 PM.

- October 8, 2018
- Cultural Secretaries
Debipaksha, the most auspicious of fortnights, is finally here. And so is Ma Durga, in নব কলেবর; Ma has safely reached Cleveland along with her children.
To celebrate, the BCS Cultural Committee has published a very special podcast for your enjoyment.
Mahalaya Podcast
We do sincerely hope you enjoy this program. Members of our community have put it together with devotion, stringing together some অতসী blossoms of poems, some শিউলি flowers of reminiscences, some অপরাজিতা flowers of humorous takes, and of course, বিল্লপত্র of songs.
Even though we sit across the proverbial seven seas and thirteen rivers, playing this podcast will surely stir up all the devotion and fervor that we felt upon listening to our beloved Mahalaya radio program.

- October 3, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
Please join us to celebrate Durga Puja, to socialize, and to get nostalgic
There will be performances by local artists of all ages to make the event memorable. And of course, there will be the quintessential parts of Durga Puja - অঞ্জলি, সিঁদুর খেলা, ধুনুচি নাচ, ভুরিভোজ ........
Venue: Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church
1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134
Date: Oct 19th, 2018 (Fri) - Oct 21st, 2018 (Sun)

- August 7, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
Bengali Cultural Society of Cleveland proudly presents Sur-Ranjani, an evening of Hindustani classical music and timeless Bengali songs with Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty on Saturday, 1st Sept., at 6 PM. On behalf of BCS, we are delighted at this opportunity to be able to host Pt. Ajoy Chakrabarty, one of the premier torchbearers of Indian classical music
You can become a Diamond Sponsor of this event at $1000, a Gold Sponsor at $500, or a Silver Sponsor at $250. All sponsors receive preferred seating and free reserved parking. Please call Mrs. Subha Pakrashi at (440) 498 0102, Mr. Soumitra Ghosh at (330) 714 8313, Mr. Soumen Bhattacharya at (419) 768 6362, or Mr. Amiya Ghosh at (330) 780 0248 to sponsor the event. On behalf of BCS, we extend a sincere Thank You to all those who have already sponsored the event.
General tickets are $30, and student tickets are $15 on displaying student ID
Venue: CSU Main Classroom Auditorium, 1899 East 22nd Street, Cleveland, OH 44115

সংলাপে – সংগীতে
- June 7, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
BCS Cleveland is hosting a unique summer cultural event সংলাপে-সংগীতে (Sanglape-Sangeete) on Sat, July 14, 2018. This rare event will bring together two highly accomplished artists on one stage on the same day: Debshankar Haldar and Shovan Ganguly.
Debshankar Haldar will present the drama কাল্লু মামা (Kallu Mama). He is the recipient of the prestigious Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for 2014 for his immense contributions to Indian theatre.
Shovan Ganguly will present the musical program নানা রঙের গান (Nana Ronger Gaan), with live orchestra. He is a prolific and versatile playback singer and the winner of 2013 Zee Bangla’s Sa Re Ga Ma Pa.
Venue: St. Ignatius High School, Breen Center, 2008 W 30th St. Cleveland, OH 44113

Baisakhi Sandhya
- March 29, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
We are just a month away from what promises to be an evening full of fun and festivities on the joyous occasion of Baisakhi.
The delectably chosen songs of Tagore and Nazrul, to the lively beats of Adhunik songs, the delightfully choreographed dance sequences and the timeless poems of our folklore, will surely transport you to the shores of Bengal.
Whether it’s a familiar face to greet, a new friend to meet, or talk to someone you share your roots with, BCS enables us all to celebrate such occasions we have cherished since our childhood with our family and friends. So, don’t hold yourself back, and come celebrate Baisakhi with us. You will have a blast!

Baisakhi Sandhya – call for participation
- February 13, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
Baishakhi Sandhya is scheduled for April 29th this year. As many of you know, this is a platform for BCS members to showcase their talents in the performing arts. If any of you are interested in participating in the program in music, dance or recitation and have not already been approached by the executive committee yet, please send clips of your performance to the cultural secretaries by February 20th, 2018 for consideration for inclusion ....

Saraswati Puja
- January 20, 2018
- BCS Executive Committee
We cordially invite all of you to please join us in celebrating Saraswati Puja, on February 3, 2018, Saturday at Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, 1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134 ....

Greeting from Executive Committee
- January 2, 2018
- Soumitra Kumar Ghosh, President EC 2018
The newly elected BCS Executive Committee of the year 2018 wishes everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year. We are looking forward to work with you to make it a success. Your active participation is extremely important to us ....

Thank You
- December 10, 2017
- Utpal Datta, President EC 2017
It was a great pleasure to serve the community for the year 2017. Your unfaltering faith in us enabled us to execute our duties knowing fully well that we had your support. Have a great rest of the year and Happy Holidays.

Call for Participation
- December 8, 2017
- Soumitra Kumar Ghosh, President EC 2018
Bengali Cultural Society (BCS) will celebrate Saraswati Puja on February 3, 2018 at Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, 1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134.
As per our Bengali tradition, we are planning to organize a cultural program. We wanted to reach out to all parents and would like to know if their kids would be interested to participate in the cultural program which will include kids’ play and solo performances - singing, dancing, recitation etc. We also plan to organize kids’ sit and draw competition ....