Our Mission

The mission of the association shall be the promotion of Bengali culture and literature in the United States and to promote friendship and cultural exchange with other organizations and groups, American and foreign, in the United States. The association will be a meeting ground of Bengalees and their friends in Northeastern Ohio and will provide opportunity for the families and friends of Bengalees in Northeastern Ohio to learn Bengali language, culture, and traditions. The association shall be a non-profit organization and will exist as an incorporated association of its members. The association shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. The name of the association or the name of any member in office shall not be used in any partisan interest if not related to the objectives of the association.
এই সংস্থা যে পথ অনুসরণ করে চলবে, তার লক্ষ্য হবে বাঙালি সংস্কৃতি ও বাংলা সাহিত্য যাতে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পরিচিতি ও সেইসঙ্গে আরো উৎকর্ষতা লাভ করে, তার জন্যে সচেষ্ট হওয়া; তাছাড়া সংস্থা তৎপর হবে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে, মার্কিনি তথা অ-মার্কিনি সংস্থাগুলির সঙ্গে উত্তরোত্তর দৃঢ়তর মৈত্রী সম্পর্কে আবদ্ধ হয়ে তাদের সঙ্গে সংস্কৃতিক যোগাযোগ রক্ষা করে চলতে। সংস্থা চায় উত্তরপূর্ব ওহাইও অঞ্চলে বসবাসকারী বঙ্গভাষাভাষীদের ও তাদের বন্ধুবান্ধবদের মিলনকেন্দ্র হয়ে উঠতে; সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করতে, যাতে এই অঞ্চলের বঙ্গভাষাভাষীরা সপরিবারে ও সবান্ধবে বাংলা ভাষা চর্চা করতে পারেন, বাঙালি সংস্কৃতি ও তার ঐতিহাসিক ধারাটির সঙ্গে পরিচিত হতে পারেন। সংস্থা তার কোনো কাজেই মুনাফা অন্বেষণ না করে সদস্যদের মিলন-সংঘ রূপে বিরাজ করবে। সংস্থা কখনো কোনো প্রকার ব্যবসায় লিপ্ত হবে না, কোনো বিশেষ সম্প্রদায় বা দলের অনুগত হবেন না। সংস্থার অনুসৃত পথের বিরোধী কোনও প্রকার দলগত স্বার্থে সংস্থা অথবা তার কর্মনির্বাহী সদস্যের নাম ব্যবহার করা চলবে না।

Holiday Party
- December 2, 2019
- BCS Executive Committee
It feels like the year 2019 just flew past and before long the holiday season will be upon us. But before we wrap up the year, let’s all come together one last time - for the BCS Holiday party!
Parents, please do bring a wrapped gift for each of your kids, labeled with the child's name. It will be loads of fun for them to receive their gifts, straight from Santa.
We also want to take this opportunity to remind you about our donation drive. December 7 is the last day of collecting donations so please make sure to bring in your contributions in terms of: non-perishable food items, winter clothing, books and stationary items for kids.
Date: 7th December, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 6:00 PM
Venue: Cleveland Heights Church, 12412 Cedar Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

Bijoya Sammilani
- November 5, 2019
- BCS Executive Committee
The Bengali Cultural Society of Cleveland cordially invites you to the BCS Bijoya Sammilani 2019 on 9th November, Saturday.
We'll start serving the snacks at 5.15 PM which will be closely followed by kids dinner. At 6 PM sharp, the first play সত্যসন্ধ, will start. This will be followed by a short tea break of 15 minutes and the second play, দেনা পাওনা will commence at 7.30pm.
Date: 9th November, 2019, Saturday
Venue: Solon Center for the Arts, 6315 SOM Center Road, Solon, OH 44139

- September 20, 2019
- BCS Executive Committee
Durga Puja will be hosted over three days during the weekend of October 04 - 06, 2019, at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, 1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134.
Hopefully by now you’d have registered for the cultural program and started with the rehearsals. Anyone looking to volunteer with the puja preparations can get in touch with the members of the executive committee. Options are open in the decor team, cooking team, pujo team and so on.
Looking forward to see you soon and celebrate with you.
Maa Ashchen!
Wish you a VERY HAPPY SHARODIYA in advance.
Venue: Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist
1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134
Date: Oct 04th, 2019 (Fri) - Oct 06th, 2019 (Sun)

The Anupam Roy Band
- July 10, 2019
- BCS Executive Committee
Live In Cleveland
Get ready for Anupam Roy and his band to rock Cleveland!
Venue: Center For Performing Arts, 5407 Turney Rd, Garfield Heights, OH 44125
Date: October 11, 2019
Time: Dinner 6:30 PM, Seating opens 7:30 PM
Book your tickets online and grab early bird discounts
[Use the code earlybird8 to avail 15% off on tickets till August 15, 2019. Students can use student25 to avail 25% off on tickets (Admission subject to providing valid ID)]

Picnic ও আড্ডা
- July 1, 2019
- BCS Executive Committee
Now that summer is here, it's time to get out and soak up the sun! And to help you enjoy the summer weather, the Bengali Cultural Society, Cleveland, is organizing a Summer Picnic on Saturday, July 27, 2019 (11am-5pm) to be held at Hudson Springs Park, May Pavilion, 7095 Stow Road, Hudson, OH 44236.
In order to help us plan better and get a clear head count, we kindly request you to pre-register for the picnic using the link below:
Pre-register for Picnic
While the picnic is free for the BCS members, non-members too can join us at a nominal fee of $10 per head.
Looking forward to see you at the event for some great food and adda session while summer lasts.

- March 28, 2019
- Cultural Secretaries
With great pleasure we take the opportunity to announce a highly coveted dance workshop being organized by BCS on behalf of, dance exponent and guru, Sanjib Bhattacharya.
Aptly titled, Nirmiti, it is a unique training based on the rare combination of Manipuri, Contemporary and Martial Arts dance techniques. Perhaps for the first time Cleveland will witness such an exclusive experience that will provide a great opportunity for dance enthusiasts to learn some extraordinary techniques from the master himself.
Sanjib Bhattacharya will choreograph a piece with the participants and present the same at Baishakhi Sandhya, which in itself is a great feat other than getting to learn from a highly accomplished artist.
The 10 hour intensive workshop is priced at $125 per person and will be held from April 25 - 28 at Cleveland Heights Church, 12412 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106. Interested participants need to have a basic background in dance to make the most of the workshop.
Meet and Greet – Somen Debnath
- March 14, 2019
- BCS Executive Committee
The Bengali Cultural Society of Cleveland (BCS) would like to extend an invite to its event, Meet and Greet with Somen Debnath, between 6.30 PM - 9.30 PM, Friday, April 12, at Cleveland Heights Church (former ICC Building), 12412 Cedar Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44106.
The event’s mission is to raise funds for Somen, a fellow Indian from Kolkata, who’s on a World Tour on his bicycle, to spread HIV/AIDS awareness among the underprivileged people who have the lowest level of awareness about this deadly disease. In his quest, the daredevil globetrotter, is also conveying the message of peace and humanity, as well as promoting Indian culture worldwide.
Somen believes in humanity and Swami Vivekananda’s message and treats everyone as equals. The love and respect he shows others fortunately is almost always reciprocated. Each time he ran into a predicament - whether it was a stolen bicycle or lack of a place to sleep or food to eat - the locals came to his aid. The backing for his world tour has been mostly provided by patrons that he met on his way. Now that he’s stopping through Cleveland, let’s show him some Northeast Ohio love!
Baishakhi Sandhya
- March 4, 2019
- Cultural Secretaries
The Bengali Cultural Society, Cleveland, invites you to BCS Baishakhi Sandhya on the evening of Saturday, May 18, 2019 to be held at Berkman Hall Auditorium, Cleveland State University, 1899 East 22nd Street, Cleveland, OH 44115.
This is one of our signature events celebrating the rich Bengali cultural heritage that includes paying homage to the two literary giants of Bengal - Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam, apart from celebrating the Bangla Nobobarsho.
Local artists honor the vision for equality, dignity and social justice of the two composers through their creations in the form of poetry, music and dance. Woven into this highly creative evening are the lively beats of adhunik and folk music, and delightfully choreographed dance sequences that transport the audience into a different cosmos.
We look forward to seeing you all at the event.

Saraswati Puja
- January 21, 2019
- Cultural Secretaries
Bengali Cultural Society (BCS) will celebrate Saraswati Puja on February 16, 2019 at Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, 1900 Carlton Road, Parma, OH 44134.
We look forward to your presence and active participation in our first event, Saraswati Puja of the year 2019.
We wanted to reach out to all parents and would like to know if their kids would be interested to participate in the cultural program which will include solo performances - singing, dancing, recitation etc. We also plan to organize kids’ sit and draw competition.
Please submit all names to our Cultural Secretaries by 31st January 2019

Greeting from Executive Committee
- January 2, 2019
- Mitali Das Singh, President EC 2019
The newly elected BCS Executive Committee of the year 2019 wishes everyone a joyous and prosperous New Year. We are looking forward to working with you to make it a success. We are very thankful to the outgoing Executive Committee for an overall outstanding accomplishment.
Saraswati Puja, the first event of the year, will be celebrated on Saturday, February 16 th , 2019 at the Cathedral of the St. John, the Baptist, located at 1900 Carlton Rd., Parma, OH 44134. Continuing our long tradition, the children’s performance will be the main attraction of the cultural program on this day.
We hope to present an entertaining cultural program comprising of: Morning Program- Sit and Draw (for children under the age of 12), Evening Programs Solo- and Group performance- Music, Dance, Recitation, Short Drama, etc. (no age limit).
Thank You
- December 31, 2018
- Soumitra Kumar Ghosh, President EC 2018
Thank you for allowing me to serve this community throughout this year. I am very grateful for the continued support and helpfulness from all, especially from the other exceptionally talented and dedicated members of the committee and their spouses who have put in so many hours of work together. Every success that we had is a testament to their hard work. You all are so wonderful. I am wishing best of luck to the new set of faces who shall take on the leadership roles in the coming year; may they receive the same warmth and support from all of you, so that they may succeed in all of their endeavors. I am excited to see what new perspectives can do to continue to improve upon and grow our future events and experiences. Lastly, I would like to extend my best wishes and prayers to all of you for a wonderful new year 2019.